Saturday, April 28, 2007


A time comes in your life when you finally get it... When in the midst of all your fears and insanity you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out - ENOUGH! Enough fighting and crying or struggling to hold on.
Like a child quieting down after a blind tantrum, your sobs begin to subside, you shudder once or twice, you blink back your tears and through a mantle of wet lashes you begin to look at the world through new eyes. This is your awakening. You realize that it's time to stop hoping and waiting for something to change or for happiness, safety and security to come galloping over the next horizon.
You come to terms with the fact that he or she is not Cinderella or Prince Charming and that in the real world there aren't always fairytale endings (or beginnings for that matter) and that any guarantee of "happily ever after" must begin with you and in the process a sense of serenity is born of acceptance.
You awaken to the fact that you are not perfect and that not everyone will always love, appreciate or approve of who or what you are... and that's OK. (They are entitled to their own views and opinions.) And you learn the importance of loving and championing yourself and in the process a sense of new found confidence is born of self-approval. You stop blaming other people for the things they did to you (or didn't do for you) and you learn that the only thing you can really count on is the unexpected.
You learn that people don't always say what they mean or mean what they say and that not everyone will always be there for you and that it's not always about you. So, you learn to stand on your own and to take care of yourself and in the process a sense of safety & security is born of self-reliance. You stop judging and pointing fingers and you begin to accept people as they are and to overlook their shortcomings and human frailties and in the process a sense of peace & contentment is born of forgiveness.
You realize that much of the way you view yourself, and the world around you, is as a result of all the messages and opinions that have been ingrained into your psyche. And you begin to sift through all the crap you've been fed about how you should behave, how you should look and how much you should weigh, what you should wear and where you should shop and what you should drive, how and where you should live and what you should do for a living, who you should sleep with, who you should marry and what you should expect of a marriage, the importance of having and raising children or what you owe your parents.
You learn to open up to new worlds and different points of view. And you begin reassessing and redefining who you are what you really stand for. You learn the difference between wanting and needing and you begin to discard the doctrines and values you've outgrown, or should never have bought into to begin with and in the process you learn to go with your instincts.
You learn that it is truly in giving that we receive. And that there is power and glory in creating and contributing and you stop maneuvering through life merely as a "consumer" looking for your next fix. You learn that principles such as honesty and integrity are not the outdated ideals of a bygone era but the mortar that holds together the foundation upon which you must build a life.You learn that you don't know everything, it's not your job to save the world and that you can't teach a pig to sing.
You learn to distinguish between guilt and responsibility and the importance of setting boundaries and learning to say NO. You learn that the only cross to bear is the one you choose to carry and that martyrs get burned at the stake. Then you learn about love. Romantic love and familial love. How to love, how much to give in love, when to stop giving and when to walk away. You learn not to project your needs or your feelings into a relationship. You learn that you will not be more beautiful, more intelligent, more lovable or important because of the man on your arm or the child that bears your name.
You learn to look at relationships as they really are and not as you would have them be. You stop trying to control people, situations and outcomes. You learn that just as people grow and change so it is with love.... and you learn that you don't have the right to demand love on your terms... just to make you happy. And, you learn that alone does not mean lonely...You look in the mirror and come to terms with the fact that you will never be a size 8 or a perfect 10 and you stop trying to compete with the image inside your head and agonizing over how you "stack up."
You also stop working so hard at putting your feelings aside, smoothing things over and ignoring your needs. You learn that feelings of entitlement are perfectly OK.... and that it is your right to want things and to ask for the things that you want...and that sometimes it is necessary to make demands.You come to the realization that you deserve to be treated with love, kindness, sensitivity and respect and you won't settle for less. And, you allow only the hands of a lover who cherishes you to glorify you with his touch... and in the process you internalize the meaning of self-respect.
And you learn that your body really is your temple. And you begin to care for it and treat it with respect. You begin eating a balanced diet, drinking more water and taking more time to exercise. You learn that fatigue diminishes the spirit and can create doubt and fear. So you take more time to rest. And, just as food fuels the body, laughter fuels our soul. So you take more time to laugh and to play.
You learn, that for the most part, in life you get what you believe you deserve... and that much of life truly is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You learn that anything worth achieving is worth working for and that wishing for something to happen is different from working toward making it happen. More importantly, you learn that in order to achieve success you need direction, discipline and perseverance.
You also learn that no one can do it all alone and that it's OK to risk asking for help.You learn that the only thing you must truly fear is the great robber baron of all time... FEAR itself. You learn to step right into and through your fears because you know that whatever happens you can handle it and to give in to fear is to give away the right to live life on your terms. And you learn to fight for your life and not to squander it living under a cloud of impending doom. You learn that life isn't always fair, you don't always get what you think you deserve and that sometimes bad things happen to unsuspecting, good people.
On these occasions you learn not to personalize things. You learn that God isn't punishing you or failing to answer your prayers. It's just life happening. And you learn to deal with evil in its most primal state - the ego. You learn that negative feelings such as anger, envy and resentment must be understood and redirected or they will suffocate the life out of you and poison the universe that surrounds you. You learn to admit when you are wrong and to build bridges instead of walls.
You learn to be thankful and to take comfort in many of the simple things we take for granted, things that millions of people upon the earth can only dream about, a full refrigerator, clean running water, a soft warm bed, a long hot shower. Slowly, you begin to take responsibility for yourself by yourself and you make yourself a promise to never betray yourself and to never ever to settle for less than your heart's desire. You hang a wind chime outside your window so you can listen to the wind. And you make it a point to keep smiling, to keep trusting, and to stay open to every wonderful possibility.Finally, with courage in your heart and with God by your side you take a stand, you take a deep breath and you begin to design the life you want to live as best as you can....


Our lives has moved on, and all I want is for us to be friends, the best of friends if possible, friends that confide in each other, friends that understand one another. No one knows me like you do and I would like to think no one knows you like I do. We have to accept that there are many things that depart, the ones that have the most pain and grief to me is losing you who is dearest to my heart.
We all have our own lives now and I know the world is filled with curved and winding paths but the ones that are straight and narrow will never last. Hate me if you must but just so you know that you and you alone are the key to my grace. The times when I failed and disappoint you, I can only say Im sorry. I keep it aside and just so you know the silence beauty of you I keep inside.
All I wanted you to know is that I love you so dearly, though we have separate lives now I realize that two people can love each other even when they are not together, I realized how much it means to be loved and give love. It is the greatest gift on earth and it lasts beyond life because you never forget your one true love.

Friday, April 27, 2007


There was a time when I never called on anyone for help, even at the most desperate moment. I always believed strength was something I had to build within myself. Besides that, I did not want to expose my weaknesses to anyone.
I carried loads of debris, nicely zip locked and systematically filed into my haversack. Although it weighed me down, I had this false feeling of having full control of my life and a proportionate strength to endure and overcome. It took some tough lessons to understand that sometimes the greatest of strength is not only found within but in people who care for you; people who grab you by your collar and rip the haversack off your shoulders. Strength - it is not just about giving a helping hand, but to seek one when you must.
Life's strength can be so difficult but then, it can also be so simple. Difficult in as much as there is pain and disappointment in any life, but simple in how even the bleakest life can capture some rays of beauty and pleasure. No matter how disappointing or painful life is, I have always been able to find something uplifting in the midst of it all. I can remember times in my past, of being depressed because I'd lost some of the most inspiring people in my life that I never dreamed of having move on and grow out of my life, beloved friends, relatives and love ones.
Waking up each day, not knowing what I was getting myself into when I set my foot out the door, I took another step towards the future. But above all this, I sometimes cry inside, selfishly wanting something new and something different to happen, or something to go just the way I had planned. But I know that I can't hold back on the rest of my life forever. I have to come back into the world and face the reality that I have to move on and take with me only memories, and strive to do and dig deeper into what is ahead. Because with each day that you wake, not knowing what is going to happen, you attempt to pull through yet again, one more day of life.
But when life starts to drag me down, I start to think, vividly recapturing the feeling of having been blessed. Blessed with so many people and things in my everyday life; blessed with the gift of living and the power that I have to indulge in whatever my heart's set on, free to make my own decisions and be able to withstand the consequences. I find that the smallest and simplest things in life help lift my spirits and get me to my feet again when I am overloaded with life.
Something as simple as the sound and smell of rain or the halo around the moon made by ice crystals on exceptionally cold and clear nights sitting by myself, wondering what my future holds for me, made me look beyond the pain I held inside from the past. Crickets chirping on a warm night or the invasion of tiny frogs croaking in the distance and then disappearing into the night, dark skies filled with glowing stars or the moon brightly shining out the window, the smile from an unacquainted stranger or sunrise at dawn greeting me with a new day, just the living of my life is all the incentive I need.
The being of creation is enough to suspend any of life's endeavors. I know that I can reach beyond people into something more, something that I can relate to in my heart, the feeling of happiness, because I will only get to live once. I will only get to feel what life is for a given period of time, time that Allah has set for me. Even with the knowledge that I will someday die, perhaps even suffer in it, I cannot begrudge the world its favor to me to have felt the pleasures of living and the thought of have been loved by many.
From the sense that we are all led to find Allah in our own ways, we make our peace with the great things that are given to us. Even for those of us that might think it will all to go back into nothingness because we are so little, have started and give up on all that we've began. Life's so short, yet we live it like we have forever.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


As Lao-Tzu said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." So what if that first step is a little painful? You see, if you want to accomplish something, there are two kinds of pain you might encounter, the pain of discipline and the pain of regret.Whenever you take that first step toward a new goal, you often experience the pain of discipline, the pain of hard work, the pain of sacrifice, as you single-mindedly pursue your dream.
On the other hand, if you don't go after your dreams, you might experience an even greater type of pain, the pain of staying stuck, which eventually turns into the pain of regret. Remember, regret for the things we did can be tempered by time, it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable. When you're really ready to make a change in your life, you'll find that the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
The great thing about discipline is if you discipline yourself on a daily basis, eventually something "magical" will happen, almost without you realizing it-one day, the discipline will turn into desire. A runner who "makes" herself run on a daily basis, one day gets up "wanting" to run. The same holds true for writing, public speaking, or anything else. So today, start that project, make that call, do what you need to do to begin. Here's a guarantee - If you work through a little pain, you'll see a little progress.


The heart, it is a very fragile thing. The feelings we have because of it we cannot control. The feeling of when we are in love and that icky feeling when we have had our heart broken. Some people are scared to let their heart out and for that reason, they never find love. Other people give their heart to anyone and for that reason they get hurt repeatedly. So is there a happy medium? There must be because look at all the happy couples in love. In today's world it seems as if there are more couples fighting than in love, but look around. Love is everywhere; we just have to find it.
It isn't the size of your house as such that matters so much at all. It's the gentle hand and its loving touch, that make it great or small. The friends who come and depart within the hour or day will judge not by the style you show, but rather by the size of your heart. It isn't the size of your head so much, it isn't the wealth you found, that will make you happy - it's how you touch the lives that are all around. Making money is not hard and know this - to live life well is an art. How people love you, how they regard, Is all in the size of your heart.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Doubt sees the obstacles. Faith sees the way.Doubt sees the darkest night. Faith sees the day.Doubt dreads to take a step. Faith soars on high. Doubt questions "Who believes"? Faith answers "I".
Time is a certainty that we don't have the faintest idea what we're doing at all, which can be a very frightening prospect in a world, in a world where the boundaries of nations and the balance of nature can change over night. Except that the years that we have spent, had given us the foundation to face that future.
We haven't just learned facts and figures, logic and reasoning skills, but we have learned the value of friendship, loyalty, & love which will not be diminished just because we may not end up together. The memories that we have shared will not go away simply because we do. So even if the future does not always meet our expectations or the fates are cruel to us at times, no one can ever take away this moment. From me, from you, from any of us. No one can ever take away this moment in time.

Monday, April 23, 2007


Some of life's most profound lessons can be learned in the most unexpected places if we only took the time to look around us and see with our hearts as well as our eyes. During my weekend absent, I took the opportunity to watch the sunrise and sunset. Simple action yet profound conclusion.
The colors change as that large orb peeped over the horizon and then bloomed in all its glory, making it impossible to look directly into its blinding rays. The memory of that sunrise followed me throughout the weekend. We take it for granted the beauty in the frontier. It was a panoramic wonder and a breathtakingly beautiful sight.
However, the best was yet to come in the form of the afterglow. As the brilliant, vibrant colors of the sunset began to fade into the most beautiful pastels, mingling and blending into every imaginable color, I realized we are given the greatest gift's, if only we remember to appreciate it, to me it was - a view of life from beginning to ending~ and beyond.
And so I realized. Life begins at sunrise. Life lived out, no matter how many years on this earth, is a mere blink of the eye compared to eternity. During the course of that lifetime many changes take place. Sometimes the sun is completely obscured by the storm clouds of life; however, no matter how hard the storms may rage, or how dark the world may become around us, the sun is still shining. It is only temporarily hidden from our view. How wonderful! It always shines again!
The real beauty of life is in the fact that we're not poured into some specific mold with a predetermined, unalterable life pattern. We were created as unique individuals with a free will to make the choices that shape our lives. We then, hopefully, find the courage to live with the consequences of those choices. While some choices come easy, circumstances make some choices more difficult. However, the fact remains that we can, at any time in our lives, change our destiny by the choices we make.
We all have been entrusted with many challenges. I have learned that facing these challenges developed moral, spiritual, and mental muscle to prepare me for the next gathering storm. I can't think of anything less rewarding than a life lived without benefit of trials and hardships to prepare one for the crises that are bound to come. Without the building of some kind of inner strength, we are as helpless to withstand a sudden personal crisis as is an athlete who enters a sports arena without having developed physical muscles needed to compete in his chosen contest. The contest was lost before it started! As I viewed the fading sunset, followed by the afterglow, I realized that it is in our daily living, through the lives that we touch, that we are creating the afterglow that we will leave behind us. As long as there is one life on this earth in whom we have made a positive difference, our afterglow will remain. It was at that moment that the full impact of the day's events became clear to me. When my life's sun sets, I will view, for the first time, that sunrise in glory. At the same time, the loved ones that I leave behind will be viewing my afterglow. It is my desire that when this time comes for me it will be a time of celebration of my life that will never end! No sad songs-only the colours of the sun!

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more time. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow. Success depends upon using it wisely - by planning and setting priorities. Time is worth more than money, and by killing time, we are killing our own chances of success of experiencing what life truly is.
Sometimes, an opportunity only knocks at the door once, and if you don't answer it at that particular moment, then you'll never get another chance. Life is tough, and most of the time we spend our days wondering why things go the way they do. After thinking for awhile I'm finally realizing that maybe thinking about this so much, is wasting the time in which we could be going out and making the days go better.
We're wasting the time we have here on Earth. By attempting to figure out why life goes the way it does, we lose time when we could be having fun, and living our lives to the fullest. We are only here for a short amount of time. An average of 70-100 years seems long, but it goes faster then we realize. It's so incredibly important to live every day to it's fullest potential.
When you're 87 years old and laying on your death bed, do you want to look back and think of things that you wished you had done? I don't know about you but I want to look back and remember all the times when I let myself go, and had fun. I want to remember the times when I actually let myself be open to try new things, and open the door to wonderful opportunities. Life is only wonderful if you leave yourself open to be part of it. Think about it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I cannot and I will not lie down and kneel before my life. I cannot and I will not let destiny that life has dealt me be the only destiny worth living for. I am I, you are you, we are distinct and we are individuals. I will carve my own destiny and I will dream my own dreams. I will walk bare footed through the warm golden sand, sleep naked under the stars and listen to the sea as it lashes against the rocks of hypocrisy.
I will let the wind play with my hair and be at one with nature. This is my island and it is called hope. As long as I am alive I have hope there is a chance, there is a dream to be fulfilled and a life worth living. I aspire not for wealth, for success, to conquer lands or the minds of men but seek refugee in conquering myself. I seek refugee in the hope of touching the stars in the blackness of the night. I ask for the courage to confront my greatest enemy, myself.
I ask for the courage to help me to realise the potential that burns within my soul. As I walk along my island of hope, alone, with merely my thoughts and the sound of my beating heart who have I become and what am I to become?
As the sun sets on the horizon, there is calm all around me. The day nears to an end and slowly the sky goes black. Through the darkness appear the glittering eyes of the world and they gaze down at me, the moon smiles at me yet I am I. An eagle flies above me with its wings of hope spread wide into the vastness and emptiness of the ocean in front of me. I am finally at peace with my soul.
My island, which I have strove to seek all my life, is now within my grasp. I have arrived. My island is a place of non-attachment and non-possession. It is a place of calmness where the pains of yesterday are but a distant memory. I have courage within my heart to face my ultimate destiny. As it looks at me, I smile at it. I no longer fear that which I once feared, I no longer yearn for more but am content with what I have gained.
I no longer yearn for a life of the past. I look at the demons within me and I have defeated them and they have not defeated me. I have finally conquered myself. I now embrace my island without regret and walk into my destiny. I have been born, I have lived, I have loved and been loved, I have failed and succeeded, and I have forgiven. There is nothing more for me to do. I have become what I essentially was at birth, myself. I close my eyes and my soul transpires out of my body and takes me to a higher level of existence. I leave the pains of the world and embrace the wonders of what lie in front of me. A teardrop falls from my soul into the ocean, that is how it was created. I cease to exist.


Do you ever wonder what people are feeling when they smile? Do they smile because they're happy or do they smile because they want people to believe they're happy? Maybe they smile because they want you to smile and be happy or even waving from one point to another parading themselves like a lunatic. Regardless, a simple smile or a cheerful wave can touch a person's life in ways you can never imagine. It's infectious and can cause a chain reaction. It can be memorable to someone you pass on the street or the mall or driving... and it only takes a split second to smile and forget, yet... to someone that needed it, it can last a lifetime. Maybe we should smile more often.


We all question our ability at times. Uncertainty plagues us. It is even more intense if the ability we are questioning relates to something we have never tried or not succeeded at in the past.
Set backs are common, but we rarely welcome them. We are inclined to respond negatively to adversity. It may be time to revisit that reflexive response.
I have experienced failing, I have experienced disappointments, I have experienced heart-breaks, I have experienced loneliness as well as emptiness, as Im sure we all have. We all have our own ways to handle these situations. In this I would like to share my innermost conclusion to all this predicaments.
In life, time is always of the essence no matter what we do and how we encounter a particular situation. My previous focul point was that I didnt have time - or I took it for granted, that time rapidly progressed toward the pasture below me, but also because the centrifugal force I was starting to experience would make it impossible to get my hands on the unreachable handles.
With worries and issues at hands, I am constantly confronted with a bothersome question of "which hand!, which hand to let go and which hand to hang on to." The wrong choice could orderly cause my inner reserve to deploy unwillingly into a spinning emotional tantrum, which would result in an incurable entanglement.
Through this a conscious side whispers never to give up when you still have something to give, nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. Don't shut love out of your life by saying it impossible to find. The quickest way to receive love is to give love, the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly and the best way to keep love is to give it wings.
Don't dismiss your dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope, to be without hope is to be without purpose. Don't be afraid to admit that you are less then perfect. It is a fragile thread that binds each of us to each other. Don't run through life so fast that you forget not only where you have been but also where you are going. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.
So In all things, always remember to give thanks. You might not be where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be. If it hasn't happened yet, that doesn't mean it won't happen. Remember a delay is not a denial from Allah; at his own time, he will make all things beautiful....

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Why is it that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers. Wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less. We buy more, but enjoy less. We have more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees, but less sense. We have more knowledge, but less judgment . We have more experts, but fewer solutions, We have more medicines, but less well-being. We have infinite ends, but limited means.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom and lie too often. We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We have added years to life, not life to years. We have been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the neighbour. We've conquered outer space, but not inner space. We have done larger things, but not better things. We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the souls. We've split the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish little. We have learned to rush, but not to wait.

This is life's paradox. What a life if full of care if we have no time to stand and stare.

Monday, April 16, 2007


In this life, I consider to have two main teardrops. One teardrop is for of a girl who I love and lost and the other, a teardrop of happiness for the girl I now share my life with.

Love is indeed very strange. Love is indeed unconditional commitment to an imperfect individual. You need it but when you love, it's like destining yourself for pain. You become addicted and dependent on the person. You become strong and at the same time, you open yourself up to being hurt. Love can make you bear any kind of pain and any kind of sacrifice. It can also make you feel stupid and act stupidly. Sometimes when you love and end up giving so much of yourself, subconciously you only discover how much you've given when the person you love hurts you or has to say goodbye.

Then you realize, an important part of yourself is already with that person. It goes away when they leave and you are left with a sickening, empty feeling inside.
Tears are bound to shed from your eyes no matter how you force yourself to keep them in. Most teardrops ever shed on this earth have been for love or lack of it. When tears dry, a silent loss sticks to your heart for a long, long time.
Well, that's what you get for caring so much about someone. But how can you regret it? To give yourself freely and lovingly is the most beautiful thing you can do. Loving makes you real. Loving also makes you cry. And that is why a teardrop is also BEAUTIFUL.


To the Pianist of the night:-

What a different this morning brings...... With open eyes and an open heart I weep for lastnight. Lastnight's artistic event humbled me, a casual gathering where all the hearts present stood silent for a moment.

We entered via the hallway, the ambience was already different then, a different nice feeling.... It was the sound of the piano being keyed, amplified by the low voices of the heart and soul of each individual present-supposedly for our mere entertainment.

We stood there with a glass in our hands and continued to serve our purpose for the night. Much availed and much concluded while the music continues..... The pianist was still, encapsulated only with the rhythm to the music she played - facing her back to us. It was a beautiful piece.

Admiration for her soft touch and composition in notes was heard and seen and felt like a radiant beam glistening which all had acknowledged. Towards the end of the nightingale's music we stood and applaud her. If only she could see - if only she could hear. You see, she was blind and deaf (as we have recently found out that night). Disabled through no fault of her own. So when we think that our life is over - think again.... within the darkness of despair and silences of the night, she has managed to put the music back into her life.

Allah is fair, her commitment in him in these "dark nights of a soul" is when Allah is working in us to give us more understanding of life and compassion for others and in time will bring back the music into our lives too.

We thank you for the music......

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Life is life. This is a demonstration of Logic's rule of identity. This is a grammatical error. This is obvious. This is complicated. All the breakdowns and analyzations through the foggy and dense mist of misinformation, by and by every person on our planet who has added their opinion, there is one thing that none have disputed. Life is life. And whether I will spend that time in a cage or in a field is up to me. I stand firm:- I would rather fail at my dreams, than succeed at my nightmares. Life is life, and I'm living it with the integrity I afford myself, like a book every page has two sides: we human beings fill the upper side with our plans, hopes and wishes, but providence writes on the other side, and what it ordains is seldom our goal.....

Friday, April 13, 2007


Each soul have a story to tell, a secret to reveal, a lesson to share and promises to keep. When in a relationship, we make promises, promises to always love each other, promise never to leave one another, promise always to be truthful etc. But seldom one keep that oath of a word-PROMISE.....

For a long time now it had seemed to me that life was about to begin-real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. But after awhile it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life, but not the life I wanted..... Through that I broke a promise to the one person it matters the most.

I am however keeping my one secret promise. A promise to be a 'tree' for you, for it provides shelter, to be a 'thread' so that it ties our hearts together and to give you silence for silence in true friend is one that never betrays..... we need not think alike to love alike..... This is my one last promise.....

For all our years together, I say thank you. At the end I found out I not only lived the length of it but I have lived the width of it as well - with you.

A CRY FOR HELP........

My words in life are best explained in a metaphorical manner when words to descride my feelings rejects every possibilties of jotting it down, I therefore share with you this story.....
Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, and all of the others, including Love.
One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left. Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help.
Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, "Richness, can you take me with you?" Richness answered, "No I can't..There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place for you here."
Love decided to ask Vanity, who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel, "Vanity, please help me!" "I can't help you Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by so Love asked for help, "Sadness let me go with you." "Oh...Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!" Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her!
Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come Love, I will take you." It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder her name.
When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Love, realizing how much he owed the elder, asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me?" "It was Time", Knowledge answered. "Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me? Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is."
My ending:- ... If I know what love is, it is because of you ...


Many times during the day, I say to myself 'I dont know'..... But when I say this I remember, remember of the past-of what I have done and havent had the chance to do, I remember of what I have lost and cannot regain, I remember of what I have now and yes - alhamdullillah it was all the right regrets.... When all this flashes through my mind I remember, and see the world with fresh eyes, an openess I call - beginner's mind. Now and then I remember - there are new possibilities but then again, what do I know? so what I do, i drum away but march differently.....

I ask myself why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed in such desperate enterprises? If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. So let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away.....