Monday, May 7, 2007


My history goes along way with her.... Though she is far from sight she will always be near at heart. During our lives we have left footprint all over, some where sad but most where the best memories anyone can ask for.

She has craved her footprints in my heart as well as my family. It was a big thing, and the word 'family' itself is a big six letter word when your in a relationship. These are my pass and also my future, because no matter in which direction my life leads me, she will always be my family.

I had a dream about her lastnight. I dreamed I was walking along the beach with her. In that dream and across the sky flashed scenes from our life. For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonged to me, the other of her's.

After the last scene of our lives flashed before us, I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that at many times along the path of our lives, especially at the very lowest and saddest times, there was only one set of footprints. HERS!

This troubled her, so she asked me. "You said once you will follow me for all times, you would walk with me all the way. But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life, there was only one set of footprints. I don’t understand why, when I needed you the most, you would leave me.”

I replied, “Know that I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of suffering, when you could see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.” So know now that I will also be there for you eventhough we are far from sight, I will always be there for you eventhough there is no battle to fight.

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spixter said...
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