Monday, May 7, 2007


The critical time for accomplishing anything is in the here and now. Every day is a day to dare to do my best. Each day provides opportunity for self-improvement/self-renewal. Today's accomplishments, not yesterday's or tomorrow's, produce the most satisfaction as what I accomplish today can give me an immediate feeling of self confidence and direction.
The critical time for accomplishing anything is in the here and now, today. The most important ingredient in future performance is present performance. The most difficult tasks are consummated, not by a single explosive burst of energy or effort, but by consistent daily application of the best I have within me.
Practice is an opportunity to improve my skills. Approach each practice with enthusiasm, as nothing great has ever been accomplished without it. I challenge myself mentally as well as physically and I will start to enjoy the price of success rather than pay for failure. I desire... the "want to be" is the extra which enables me to take whatever ability I have and utilize it to the maximum. Total effort gives me a special kind of victory... especially victory over myself for I will make this the best day and the best practice ever.

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