Wednesday, April 25, 2007


The heart, it is a very fragile thing. The feelings we have because of it we cannot control. The feeling of when we are in love and that icky feeling when we have had our heart broken. Some people are scared to let their heart out and for that reason, they never find love. Other people give their heart to anyone and for that reason they get hurt repeatedly. So is there a happy medium? There must be because look at all the happy couples in love. In today's world it seems as if there are more couples fighting than in love, but look around. Love is everywhere; we just have to find it.
It isn't the size of your house as such that matters so much at all. It's the gentle hand and its loving touch, that make it great or small. The friends who come and depart within the hour or day will judge not by the style you show, but rather by the size of your heart. It isn't the size of your head so much, it isn't the wealth you found, that will make you happy - it's how you touch the lives that are all around. Making money is not hard and know this - to live life well is an art. How people love you, how they regard, Is all in the size of your heart.

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